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Foxit Reader

89 bytes removed, 13:29, 5 December 2011
Disable the welcome dialog: If we just have the setting, not a specific implementation of applying it, then it leaves it open so that people can apply it using the method they wish (WPKG package, .bat file, etc)
Per-user automated configuration:
<source lang=xml> <install cmd='reg add " HKCU\Software\Foxit Software\Foxit Reader 5.1\Preferences\Others\bShowWelcomeDlg=REG_SZ:0" /f' /> <install cmd='reg add " HKCU\Software\Foxit Software\Foxit Reader 5.1\Preferences\general\bShowStartPage=REG_SZ:0" /f' /></source>
==Foxit Reader 5.1==

Navigation menu