
MS Office 2010

422 bytes added, 16:37, 1 February 2012
Installation: found way for automatically generation of config.xml :-)
You can create a copy of config.xml for every client and use the the Value %COMPUTERNAME% to direct the client to his config.xml
''I don't know if there is an easy way to create For automatically generation of the different config file, you can use a little tool called [ FilesFromCSV] use the above config.xml's automatically out of a , replace the pid with %computername% save it as template and .xml Then generate a valuecsv file like this and call it license.csv:<source lang="xml">computername;pidw01;010101w02;020202. If you do, please let me know ..</source> Finally run the tool with<source lang="xml">FilesFromCSV.exe - I did it manuallyHDR=YES -D=; -csv=C:\temp\license.''csv -template=C:\temp\template.xml -filenamefield=computername -outpath=C:\temp\output\</source>  after that you can install the packet with
<source lang="xml">
<check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="Microsoft Office Home and Business 2010" />
<command type="install" cmd='%comspec% /C start "Installer" /WAIT "%SOFTWARE%\O2010\x86\setup.exe" /config "%SOFTWARE%\O2010\x86\%COMPUTERNAME%_config.xml"' >
<exit code="1641" />
<exit code="3010" />