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200 bytes removed, 14:25, 8 March 2012
Updated to Itunes 10.6
* Apple sometimes updates the MSI packages inside the EXE installer '''without''' changing the version number on the website. So do not take it for granted that there are no new packages available just because the version number on the website is still the same.
* Apple is also known to sometimes modify the setup packages of their programs even at minor version changes, so do not blindly assume that a new ITunes installer will work the same way as the old one did!
* There is a 64bit version of ITunes available too. As of version 6 the 64bit installer contains 64bit versions of ITunes itself and Apple Mobile Device Support and 32bit versions of Apple Application Support. The package definitions for the 64bit versions look basically the same as below, just the paths and GUIDs are different.
= Full iTunes installation in VBS =
'Copy this to notepad++ or anoter editor, save as *.vbs :-)
= Full ITunes installation 6 =
''If you update this code, please remember the uninstall GUIDs change on each new version installed!''
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<package id='appleapplicationsupport' name='Apple Application Support' revision='%PKGVER%' reboot='false' priority='10'>
<variable name='PKGVER' value='2.1.67' />
<check type='uninstall' condition='versiongreaterorequal' path='Apple Application Support' value='%PKGVER%'/>
<upgrade cmdinclude='msiexec /i "%SOFTWARE%\itunes\AppleApplicationSupport.msi" /passive /norestartinstall' timeout='300'> <exit code='0' /> <exit code='3010' reboot='postponed' /> </upgrade>
<remove cmd='msiexec /x{343666E2EB879750-A059CCBD-48AC4013-AD67BFD5-230BF74E2DB20294D4DA5BD0} /passive /norestart' timeout='300'>
<exit code='0' />
<exit code='1605' />
<package id='applemobilesupport' name='Apple Mobile Device Support' revision='%PKGVER%' reboot='false' priority='10'>
<variable name='PKGVER' value='' />
<check type='uninstall' condition='versiongreaterorequal' path='Apple Mobile Device Support' value='%PKGVER%' />
<upgrade cmdinclude='msiexec /i "%SOFTWARE%\itunes\AppleMobileDeviceSupport.msi" /passive /norestartinstall' timeout='300'> <exit code='0' /> <exit code='3010' reboot='postponed' /> </upgrade>
<remove cmd='msiexec /x{8153ED9AEFC04D3F-C94AA152-426E47E7-98808517-5E6775C08B62EE0F6201AFEF} /passive /norestart' timeout='300'>
<exit code='0' />
<exit code='1605' />
<depends package-id='appleapplication' />
<variable name='PKGVER' value='' />
<check type='uninstall' condition='versiongreaterorequal' path='iTunes' value='%PKGVER%' />
<install cmd='reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Apple Computer, Inc.\iTunes\Parental Controls\Default" /v "AdminFlags" /t REG_DWORD /d "0x101" /f' timeout='60' />
<upgrade cmd='msiexec.exe /i "%SOFTWARE%\itunes\iTunes.msi" SCHEDULE_ASUW=0 /passive' timeout='300'> <exit code='0' /> <exit code='3010' reboot='postponed' /> </upgrade> <upgrade cmd='reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Apple Computer, Inc.\iTunes\Parental Controls\Default" /v "AdminFlags" /t REG_DWORD /d "0x101" /f' timeoutinclude='60install' /> <remove cmd='msiexec.exe /x{B7DBF6E88B92D97D-0D17DB3D-4BE44926-853BA8F7-ACD6EFBD4A1F718FE7C5EE18} /passive /norestart' timeout='300'>
<exit code='0' />
<exit code='1605' />
= Minimal ITunes installation 6 =
The goal of this setup is to get a working installation of ITunes which allows you to activate, backup and sync an IPhone or Ipod, install new iOS versions and optionally get songs/apps from the Apple Store, but does otherwise interfere with the PC as little as possible. Specifically this means: No automatic update checks, no desktop shortcuts, no automatic file type associations with ITunes, no ITunes CD grabbing, no unecessary background services or autostart entries, no traybar icons, no Windows firewall modifications.
These package definitions are suited for someone who has to roll out ITunes in a corporate environment because the employees are using IPhones, but otherwise has no use case for ITunes at all. Of course all steps in this section are optional, if you don't want to leave a certain feature out, then simply omit the corresponding step.
== Configuration ==
Not all necessary changes to the setup packages can be made at the command line level, therefore the MSI files have to be modified. For this the Microsoft tool ''Orca'' (freeware) is necessary. If you don't have Orca yet, download it from [ Microsoft].
=== Apple Application Support ===
* Open AppleApplicationSupport.msi, select ''New Transform'' from the main menu.
* Drop the component ''APSDaemon.exe'' from the table ''FeatureComponents''. This prevents the wireless sync daemon from being installed and added to the Windows autostart.
* Drop the action ''WixSchedFirewallExceptionsInstall'' from the table ''InstallExecuteSequence''. This prevents WebKit.dll being added as an internetwide exception to the Windows Firewall.
* Click ''Generate Transform'' and save the resulting file into the same folder as the MSI.
=== Apple Mobile Device Support ===
* Open AppleMobileDeviceSupport.msi, select ''New Transform'' from the main menu.
* Drop the Component ''OutlookChangeNotifierAddIn.dll'' from the table ''FeatureComponents''. This removes the Outlook plugin.
* Click ''Generate Transform'' and save the resulting file into the same folder as the MSI.
=== ITunes ===
* Open the table ''Registry'' and drop the keys ''Registry415'' (adds iTunesHelper.exe to the Windows autorun) and ''Registry835'' to ''Registry843'' (adds the ITunes detector plugin to Firefox and other browsers). Of course the registry IDs may change in future ITunes versions, you can instead search for ''CurrentVersion\Run'' and ''MozillaPlugins'' in the column ''Key'' of the ''Registry'' table.
* Drop the file ''ITDetector.ocx'' from the table ''SelfReg''. This prevents the ITunes detector ActiveX component from being registered, which is otherwise added as a plugin to Internet Explorer.
* Click ''Generate Transform'' and save the resulting file into the same folder as the MSI.
=== Apple Application Support ===
* Open AppleApplicationSupport.msi, select ''New Transform'' from the main menu.
* Drop the action ''WixSchedFirewallExceptionsInstall'' from the table ''InstallExecuteSequence''. This prevents WebKit.dll being added as an internetwide exception to the Windows Firewall.
* Click ''Generate Transform'' and save the resulting file into the same folder as the MSI.
== Package definitions ==
=== Apple Mobile Device Support ===
Copy the package definition from the full ITunes installation above and use the original MSI files as extracted from iTunesSetup.exe. These packages don't require any modifications.
=== Apple Application Support ===
<source lang="xml">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<package id='appleapplicationsupport' name='Apple Application Support' revision='%PKGVER%' reboot='false' priority='10'>
<variable name='PKGVER' value='2.1.67' />
<check type='uninstall' condition='versiongreaterorequal' path='Apple Application Support' value='%PKGVER%'/>
<upgrade include='install' /> <remove cmd='msiexec /i "%SOFTWARE%\itunes\AppleApplicationSupport.msi" TRANSFORMS="%TEMP%\software\applicationx{EB879750-CCBD-transform4013-fromBFD5-above.mst" 0294D4DA5BD0} /passive /norestart' timeout='300'>
<exit code='0' />
<exit code='1605' />
<exit code='3010' reboot='postponed' />
</upgraderemove></package></source> === Apple Mobile Device Support ===<package id='applemobilesupport' name='Apple Mobile Device Support' revision='%PKGVER%' reboot='false' priority='10'> <variable name='PKGVER' value='' />  <check type='uninstall' condition='versiongreaterorequal' path='Apple Mobile Device Support' value='%PKGVER%' />
<install cmd='msiexec /i "%SOFTWARE%\itunes\AppleMobileDeviceSupport.msi" TRANSFORMS="%TEMP%\software\mobiledevice-transform-from-above.mst" /passive /norestart' timeout='300'> <exit code='0' /> <exit code='3010' reboot='postponed' /> </install> <upgrade include='install' />  <remove cmd='msiexec /x{343666E2EFC04D3F-A059A152-48AC47E7-AD678517-230BF74E2DB2EE0F6201AFEF} /passive /norestart' timeout='300'>
<exit code='0' />
<exit code='1605' />
=== ITunes ===
<depends package-id='appleapplicationsupport' />
<variable name='PKGVER' value=''' />
<check type='uninstall' condition='versiongreaterorequal' path='iTunes' value='%PKGVER%' />
<install cmd='reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Apple Computer, Inc.\iTunes\Parental Controls\Default" /v "AdminFlags" /t REG_DWORD /d "0x101" /f' timeout='60' />
<upgrade cmdinclude='msiexec.exe /i "%SOFTWARE%\itunes\iTunes.msi" TRANSFORMS="%SOFTWARE%\itunes\itunes-transform-from-above.mst" DESKTOP_SHORTCUTS=0 MEDIA_DEFAULTS=0 SCHEDULE_ASUW=0 REENABLEAUTORUN=0 OUTLOOK_LOAD_BEHAVIOR=0 DONT_AUTO_SYNC_IPODS=1 /passive /norestart'> <exit code='0install' /> <exit code='3010' reboot='postponed' /> </upgrade> <upgrade cmd='reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Apple Computer, Inc.\iTunes\Parental Controls\Default" /v "AdminFlags" /t REG_DWORD /d "0x101" /f' timeout='60' /> <remove cmd='msiexec.exe /x{B7DBF6E88B92D97D-0D17DB3D-4BE44926-853BA8F7-ACD6EFBD4A1F718FE7C5EE18} /passive /norestart' timeout='300'>
<exit code='0' />
<exit code='1605' />
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