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How WPKG works?

1 byte added, 19:29, 29 August 2012
"Software push" functionality
WPKG comes into play after the O/S is installed and running. For everything before that use approaches like [ RIS/WDS] or [ Unattended] for automated network-based installation of the O/S)
=== "Software push" functionality ===
WPKG is a client-centred centered approach to software installation, so it does not support "pushing" software. However, you are free to issue Remote Procedure Calls to clients in order to trigger the start of the WPKG service or even directly the start of the WPKG command  
===Software repackaging===
WPKG is about scripted, unattended installations. In our experience, repackaged software while running fine most of the time, might cause obscure problems in rare cases and leaves the admin standing without any reasonable support from the software companies. [ This article at] elaborates in a bit more detail on this matter.
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