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Flash Player

881 bytes added, 10:55, 26 September 2012
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== Using Microsoft EMET ==
If you use microsoft EMET as additional layer of protection it's bit of a hassle to add new player versions to EMET configuration (EMET does not accept wildcards in executable filenames). Automate the process with this script:
if exist "%programfiles%\EMET\emet_conf.exe" (<BR>
@FOR /F %%G IN ('"dir /b %systemroot%\system32\macromed\Flash\*.exe 2> nul"') DO "%programfiles%\emet\emet_conf.exe" --set \windows\system32\macromed\Flash\%%G 2> nul <BR>
@FOR /F %%G IN ('"dir /b %systemroot%\SysWOW64\macromed\Flash\*.exe 2> nul"') DO "%programfiles%\emet\emet_conf.exe" --set \windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\"%%G 2> nul
and append line <BR><BR>
<install cmd='cmd /c "%PKG_SOURCE%\emet.cmd" >nul ' /> <BR>
to your flash install script.
==Adobe Flash Player 11.3.300.268 ==
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