
Attune Cytometric Software

67 bytes added, 04:38, 27 March 2013
no edit summary
Attune® Cytometric Software is designed to provide powerful user-defined analysis using an intuitive interface for simplified experimental analysis. This software is provided free for download by Applied Biosystems and Invitrogen. The installer is a WISE installer and running from your %SOFTWARE% repository fails to complete successfully. To get around this I have used timeout and TASKKILL.EXE.
<source lang="xml">
<package id="attune"
name="Attune Cytometric Software"
<variable name="version" value="1.2.5"/>
<check type="uninstall" condition="versionequalto" path="Attune Cytometric Software" value="%version%"/>
<install cmd='%comspec% /C %SETTINGS%\tools\taskkill.exe /F /T /IM attune.%version%.exe'><exit code='any'/></install>
<install timeout="360" cmd='%comspec% /c %SOFTWARE%\attune\attune.%version%.exe /s '><exit code='any'/></install>
<install architecture="x86" cmd='"%WPKGROOT%\tools\shortcut.exe" /f:"%AllUsersProfile%\Desktop\Attune.lnk" /a:c /t:"%PROGRAMFILES%\Applied Biosystems\Attune\Attune.exe" /d:"Attune" /i:"%PROGRAMFILES%\Applied Biosystems\Attune\Attune.exe"'/>
<install cmd='%comspec% /C %SETTINGS%\tools\taskkill.exe /F /T /IM Attune.%version%.EXE'><exit code='any'/></install>
<remove cmd='msiexec /X{083988D7-BDA9-4244-983B-409A634BBC09} /qn /norestart'><exit code='any'/></remove> <!-- SAP Crystal Reports runtime engine for .NET Framework 4 (32-bit) -->
<remove architecture="x86" cmd='%comspec% /c copy /y %SOFTWARE%\Attune\install.log C:\PROGRA~1\APPLIE~1\Attune'/>
<remove cmd='%comspec% /c del /q /f c:\users\public\desktop\Attune.lnk'> <exit code='any'/></remove>
[[Category: Silent Installers]]