
FusionInventory Agent

1,087 bytes added, 09:32, 18 February 2014
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<variable name="version" value="2.3.45" />
<variable name="serverlist" value="http://GLPI-SERVER/glpi/plugins/fusioninventory/" />
Allow remote access to the FusionInventory Agent
The current Version (2.3.5) includes a installer Option to open the remote port (62354) for the Agent in the Windows Firewall, but its not functional yet. If you want to send push requests to the Agent (Inventory, WakeOnLan, network-discovery) you have to open this Port manually or with a small WPKG package. (This works for Windows 7+)
If you havent speciefied otherwise in the Agent installer only the fusioninventory server is allowed to access the Agent-webpage.
<source lang="xml">
name="FusionInventory Agent - Remote Port"
execute="once" >
<install cmd='netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="FusionInventory Agent" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=62354' />
<remove cmd='netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name="FusionInventory Agent" protocol=tcp localport=62354' />
Include this package as dependency in the FusionInventory Agent package.
<source lang="xml">
<depends package-id="fi-agent-port" />
[[category:Silent Installers]]
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