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Flash Player

282 bytes added, 22:57, 15 December 2014
Added Win8 checks
==Windows 8 & 8.1==
Windows 8 & 8.1 includes Flash for IE and the activex plugin will fail with an error of 1031. To use the one combined package, note the OS checks that exclude Windows 8 form the activex installer
==Adobe Flash Player 16==
The uninstall check for the NPAPI plugin changed slightly for version 16, but it's otherwise the same as 15.
==== Package for WPKG 1.2.1 or higher ====
<check type="uninstall" condition="versiongreaterorequal" path="Adobe Flash Player .+ NPAPI.*" value="%NPAPI_VERSION%" />
<check type="file" condition="versiongreaterorequal" path="%PKG_DESTINATION%\%PKG_FILE_ACTIVEX%" value="%ACTIVEX_VERSION%" os="(5\.[1-9]|6\.[01])\.\d{4}" />
<check type="file" condition="versiongreaterorequal" path="%PKG_DESTINATION%\%PKG_FILE_NPAPI%" value="%NPAPI_VERSION%" />
<command type="upgrade" include="install" />
<command type="install" cmd='"%PKG_SOURCE%\install_flash_player_%MAJORVERSION%_active_x.exe" /install ' os="(5\.[1-9]|6\.[01])\.\d{4}" />
<command type="install" cmd='"%PKG_SOURCE%\install_flash_player_%MAJORVERSION%_npapi.exe" /install ' />

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