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== NSClient++ 0.4.1 == NSClient++ can be downloaded here:#REDIRECT[[] One package for the 32bit-version, one for the 64bit. I create an sample init-file, and copy it with each install/upgrade. The remove-Tag is a bit crude, because i used the (maybe new) package for deinstalling, because i couldn't figure out, how to get the registry-key ...  <source lang="xml"> <package id="nsclient32" name="NSClient++ 32bit" revision="%version%" priority="0" reboot="false">  <variable name="version" value="" />  <check type="logical" condition="or"> <check type="uninstall" condition="versiongreaterorequal" path="NSClient++ (Win32)" value="%version%"/> <check type="file" condition="versiongreaterorequal" path="%ProgramFiles%\NSClient++\nscp.exe" value="%version%"/> </check>  <!-- install new package --> <install cmd='msiexec /quiet /norestart /i %SOFTWARE%\nsclientpp\NSCP-%version%-Win32.msi'/> <!-- copy (new) Ini --> <install cmd='xcopy %SOFTWARE%\nsclientpp\nsclient.ini "%ProgramFiles%\NSClient++\nsclient.ini" /q /y'/> <!-- restart NSclient++ --> <install cmd='net stop nscp'/> <install cmd='net start nscp'/>  <upgrade include="install" />  <!-- remove --> <remove cmd='net stop nscp'/> <remove cmd='msiexec /quiet /norestart /x %SOFTWARE%\nsclientpp\NSCP-%version%-Win32.msi'/></package> <package id="nsclient64" name="NSClient++ 64bit" revision="%version%" priority="0" reboot="false">  <variable name="version" value="" />  <check type="logical" condition="or"> <check type="uninstall" condition="versiongreaterorequal" path="NSClient++ (x64)" value="%version%"/> <check type="file" condition="versiongreaterorequal" path="%ProgramFiles%\NSClient++\nscp.exe" value="%version%"/> </check>  <!-- install new package --> <install cmd='msiexec /quiet /norestart /i %SOFTWARE%\nsclientpp\NSCP-%version%-x64.msi'/> <!-- copy (new) ini --> <install cmd='xcopy %SOFTWARE%software\nsclientpp\nsclient.ini "%ProgramFiles%\NSClient++\nsclient.ini" /q /y'/> <!-- restart NSclient++ --> <install cmd='net stop nscp'/> <install cmd='net start nscp'/>  <upgrade include="install" />  <!-- remove --> <remove cmd='net stop nscp'/> <remove cmd='msiexec /quiet /norestart /x %SOFTWARE%software\nsclientpp\NSCP-%version%-x64.msi'/></package> </source> == NSClient++ Plugins ==If you have own scripts for NSClient++, this package may be useful. Because i haven't set a version number for the scripts, i use the date and write it to a file on the local computer. A batch-skript in the tools-directory compare xml-version with installed-version (see below), to call it i used a %SETTINGS%-Variable from WPKG, which link on the WPKG-Root (I should define a own Variable for that, i now ... maybe later :-) <source lang="xml"><package id="nsclientplugins" name="NSClient++ Plugins" revision="%version%" priority="0" reboot="false">  <variable name="version" value="2013-05-27" /> <variable name="versionfile" value="%ProgramFiles%\NSClient++\scripts\pluginsversion.txt" />  <check type="execute" path='%SETTINGS%tools\compareStringAndFile.bat "%version%" "%versionfile%"' condition="exitcodeequalto" value="0"/>  <!-- stop NSclient++ --> <install cmd='net stop nscp'> <exit code="0" /> <!-- If Nsclient++ already stopped, continue too. --> <exit code="2" /> </install> <!-- copy new skripts --> <install cmd='xcopy %SOFTWARE%\nsclientpp\scripts\* "%ProgramFiles%\NSClient++\scripts\" /q /y'/> <!-- set version --> <install cmd='%ComSpec% /c echo %version%>"%versionfile%"'/> <!-- to be sure: set executionpolicy of the powershell (If you don't have powershellskripts, you don't need this) --> <install cmd='powershell Set-ExecutionPolicy remotesigned -Confirm:$false'/> <!-- and start NSclient++ --> <install cmd='net start nscp'/>  <upgrade include="install" /> </package> </packages:packages></source>And the compareStringAndFile.bat:<source lang="dos">@echo offREM compare parameter 1 (string) with content of parameter 2 (file) set /p FILECONTENT=<%2set FILECONTENT="%FILECONTENT%" REM echo %FILECONTENT%REM echo %1 if %1 == %FILECONTENT% exit /B 0 REM echo "Die Strings sind ungleich!"exit /B 1</source> [[Category:Silent Installers]]

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