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Talk:Adobe Reader

1,548 bytes added, 21:25, 14 November 2005
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Allan Stone writes:

On the website you have Adobe Reader 7.0.5 package file but it errors out sometimes when you remove it. I have made a WSH script to take care of the removal for us. It passes everytime. Ive yet to have to fail.

I called the file 'remove.js' and added it as the remove command for the package


//WScript.Echo("Uninstaller for Adobe Reader 7.0.X");

var adobe_7_reader_0 = 1;
var adobe_error = 1;

var objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell");
//WScript.Echo("...Checking registry for Adobe Reader 7.0.X")

var key1 = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Adobe\\Acrobat Reader\\7.0\\InstallPath\\";
test = objShell.RegRead(key1);
// WScript.Echo("...Acrobat Reader 7.0.X found");
// WScript.Echo("...Adobe Reader 7.0.X NOT found");
adobe_7_reader_0 = 0;

if (adobe_7_reader_0 == 1)
// WScript.Echo("...Uninstalling Adobe Reader 7.0.X");
objShell.Run("MsiExec.exe /qb /x{AC76BA86-7AD7-1033-7B44-A70500000002} REBOOT=ReallySupress",1,true)
// WScript.Echo("...Error uninstalling Adobe Reader 7.0.X\n");
// WScript.Echo(e.description+"\n")
// WScript.Echo(e.message+"\n")
// WScript.Echo(e.number+"\n")



I hope this helps. there is probably a better way and more simple but it works and that does it for me.

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