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You need to have a valid '''setup.iss''' file for a silent Photoshop installation.
First make sure you don't have any '''setup.iss''' file in your C:\WINDOWS folder (to be sure the one we create is really made by us). If there is any, delete it or rename - it is not used by your system.
Next, launch the setup.exe from the command line with /r (or was it -r?) switch and go through the whole installation.
After it's done, you will have a new '''setup.iss''' file in C:\WINDOWS folder. Copy it to you Photoshop setup dir (make sure you didn't have one there before, if you did, rename it).
The uninstaller needs a similar operation with /r switch.
<blockquote style="background: white; border: 1px solid black; padding: 1em;">
name="Photoshop CS 8.0.1"<br>
<check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="Adobe Photoshop CS" /><br>
<install cmd="\\server\Admin\Non-MSI\Photoshop\setup.exe -s -f2c:\Windows\Temp\photoshop.log"><br>
<exit code="0" /><br>
<remove cmd="\\server\Admin\Non-MSI\Photoshop\uninstall\photoshop-uninstall.bat" /><br>
<upgrade cmd="" /><br>
[[category:Silent Installers|Photoshop]]
First make sure you don't have any '''setup.iss''' file in your C:\WINDOWS folder (to be sure the one we create is really made by us). If there is any, delete it or rename - it is not used by your system.
Next, launch the setup.exe from the command line with /r (or was it -r?) switch and go through the whole installation.
After it's done, you will have a new '''setup.iss''' file in C:\WINDOWS folder. Copy it to you Photoshop setup dir (make sure you didn't have one there before, if you did, rename it).
The uninstaller needs a similar operation with /r switch.
<blockquote style="background: white; border: 1px solid black; padding: 1em;">
name="Photoshop CS 8.0.1"<br>
<check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="Adobe Photoshop CS" /><br>
<install cmd="\\server\Admin\Non-MSI\Photoshop\setup.exe -s -f2c:\Windows\Temp\photoshop.log"><br>
<exit code="0" /><br>
<remove cmd="\\server\Admin\Non-MSI\Photoshop\uninstall\photoshop-uninstall.bat" /><br>
<upgrade cmd="" /><br>
[[category:Silent Installers|Photoshop]]