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161 bytes added, 11:00, 26 April 2006
rewrote the article because xcopy does not work for me (it always asks if the destination is a dir or a file)
[ Irfanview] is an freeware image viewer that has some with many additional features
Basic The problem with irfanview is that it tries to write the config-file i_view32.ini to the install-dir, which is not appropriate in a multi-user environment. You can create an INI file to redirect this to the user's Application Data folder though:
<package id="irfanview" name="Irfanview 3i_view32.93" revision="1" >ini: <check type="file" condition="exists" path="c:\Program Files\Irfanview\i_view32.exe" /pre> <install cmd[Others]INI_Folder='\\server\software\irfanview\iview390.exe /silent /folder="c:\Program Files%APPDATA%\Irfanview" /desktop=1 /group=1 /allusers=0 /assoc=1' > <exit code="0" /> </install> </packagepre>
The problem with irfanview Than we need a batch-file because "copy" is that it likes to write to i_view32.ini not awailable in the same folder, which is a problem if the user does wpkg and "xcopy" will not have permissionsalways work in silent mode. You can create an INI file to redirect this to the user's Application Data folder though:
* Create a install.cmd:<pre>copy /y "\\server\software\irfanview\i_view32.ini file:" "%ProgramFiles%\Irfanview\\server\software\irfanview\iview390.exe /silent /folder="%ProgramFiles%\Irfanview" /desktop=1 /group=1 /allusers=0 /assoc=1</pre>
[Others]<pre><package id="irfanview" name="Irfanview 3.93" revision="1" > INI_Folder<check type="file" condition="exists" path="%APPDATAProgramFiles%\Irfanview\i_view32.exe" /> <install cmd='\\server\software\irfanview\install.cmd' > <exit code="0" /> </install> </install></package></pre>
* copy this into the IrfanView directory. You can do this in wpkg using the patch in [ bug #18] (as of wpkg 0.9.3, this is not merged):
<install src="\\server\software\irfanview\i_view32As an alternative method you can use a patch to enable a easy copy-function in wpkg.ini" dest="cIt comes as an attachment to [http:\Program Files\Irfanview" overwrite="true" />/ bug #18]
* An alternative method is to After applying that patch, you can use xcopythe following format in the packages.xml: <install src="\\server\software\irfanview\i_view32.ini" dest="%ProgramFiles%\Irfanview" overwrite="true" />
<install cmd='xcopy /y "\\server\software\irfanview\i_view32.ini" "C:\Program Files\Irfanview\" '>
<exit code="0" />
[[category:Silent Installers|Irfanview]]

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