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56 bytes added, 17:57, 1 September 2006
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== Basics ==
First, download the OpenOffice installer (i.e. OOo_2.0_Win32Intel_install.exe ) from [] Website.<br>Execute Run the downloaded installer - it creates a directory named ''OpenOfficeorg 2.0 Installation Files'', which includes several files.
The ones you need are:
== Localized builds ==
The best way to install a localized build (in my opinion) is to also install localized language packpacks in addition to the English installer. Then This way the user can choose if he wants they want to have the English interface or the localized one. An example for the Estonian language pack:
<!--<blockquote style="background: white; border: 1px solid black; padding: 1em;">-->
User Note: I tried this out and found that it didn't add the short cuts in the start menu... instead it was on the root of C:. So I'm currentily tring trying "OpenOfficeorg 2.0 Installation Files\setup.exe" /quiet" for the install. But the above remove scripts script seems to work well
<install cmd='cmd /c mkdir "%TEMP%\ooo"' />
<!-- Expand the zip file -->
<install cmd='"c:\Program Files%PROGRAMFILES%\7-Zip\7z.exe" e -y -o"%TEMP%"\ooo \\server\share\openoffice2\"' />
<install cmd='"%TEMP%\ooo\setup" /q' />
<install cmd='cmd /c del /s /q "%TEMP%\ooo"' />
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