
KODIP 3.6 Testversion

310 bytes removed, 19:54, 2 October 2006
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First the entry for packages.xml:
<blockquote style="background: white; border: 1px solid black; padding: 1em;"> <package<br> id="kodip36testversion"<br> name="KODIP 3.6 Testversion"<br> revision="1"<br> reboot="false"<br> priority="0"><br> <check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="KODIP 3.6 Testversion" /><br> <br> <install cmd='\\server\Admin\MSI%SOFTWARE%\KODIP\kodip-install.bat'><br> <exit code="0" /><br> </install><br> <br>
<remove cmd='MsiExec.exe /q /x{5B4FF36D-A692-11D5-94BB-0050FC27E017}' /><br>
This is a batch file which installs KODIP 3.6 Testversion and corrects the permission:
<blockquote style="background: white; border: 1px solid black; padding: 1em;"> msiexec /i "\\server\Admin\MSI%SOFTWARE%\KODIP\KODIP 3.6 Testversion.MSI" /q allusers=1 ADDLOCAL=ALL<br> cacls c:\programme%PROGRAMFILES%\kodip\data /T /E /P Benutzer:f >nul</blockquote>
 [[category:Silent Installers|KODIP 3.6 Testversion]]