'''NOTE! If you had any other versions of IIScript installed, IIScript9 will probably not install properly (although the installer will claim that the installation was successful). SPSS13 will not install then, and a complete workstation reinstallation might be needed! Uninstalling the other version of IIScript might not help, either.'''
<blockquote style="background: white; border: 1px solid black; padding: 1em;"> <package<br> id="spss13"<br> name="SPSS13"<br> revision="1"<br> reboot="true"<br> priority="0"><br> <check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="SPSS 13.0 für Windows" /><br><br> <install cmd='msiexec /i "\\server\Admin\MSI%SOFTWARE%\SPSS13\spss\SPSS 13.0 for Windows.msi" /q ALLUSERS=1'><br> <exit code="0" /><br> </install><br><br> <remove cmd='MsiExec.exe /X{1D5AA39E-F5CB-498e-B506-DA2104087976} /q' /><br><br> <upgrade cmd="" /><br><br>
[[category:Silent Installers|SPSS 13]]