
Category:Silent Installers

40 bytes added, 10:32, 20 October 2005
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Have a look to the keyword Languagelist. English is 01 (the rest is like the intl. phone codes)
DestinationPath should be like in your windows installation. It differs from country to country. You need to change this path also in the deinstall-command and the check command in the package!.
and here comes the package.xml entry:
<package id="oo115" name="OpenOffice 1.1.5" priority="2" reboot="false" revision="1">
<check condition="exists" path="c:\programme\OpenOffice\program\ 1.1.5exe" type="uninstallfile"></check>
<install cmd="\\server\wpkg\files\dist\oo\program\setup.exe -r:\\server\wpkg\files\dist\oo\response.txt">
<exit code="0"></exit>
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