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832 bytes added, 07:07, 12 April 2007
Reverted edit of, changed back to last version by WPKGSysop
The package section below presumes that CDisplay version 1.8 is being installed.
<pre>&lt;package id="CDisplay" name="CDisplay" revision="1" reboot="false" priority="1"&gt;  &lt;check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="CDisplay 1.8" /&gt; &lt;install cmd='%SOFTWARE%\CDisplay\setup.exe /VerySilent /SP- /Dir="%PROGRAMFILES%\comics\CDisplay'&gt; &lt;exit code="0" /&gt; &lt;/install&gt; &lt;remove cmd='"%PROGRAMFILES%\Comics\CDisplay\unins000.exe"' /&gt;</pre> The remove command above will uninstall the software, but a prompt will appear on the system asking for confirmation. When I tried the "/silent" or "/verysilent" options for the unins000.exe command, the uninstall failed. It was successful when I did not use either of those options. Reference: [ Installation of CDisplay with wpkg] [[Category:Silent_Installers]]

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