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760 bytes added, 21:48, 7 May 2007
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the [ Inkscape] installer accepts a number of options (extracted from installer with /? flag):
/S: silent
/D=(directory): where to install inkscape
/GTK=(OFF/ON): GTK+ Runtime environment
/SHORTCUTS=(OFF/ON): shortcuts to start inkscape
/ALLUSER=(OFF/ON): for all users on the computer
/DESKTOP=(OFF/ON): Desktop icon
/QUICKLAUNCH=(OFF/ON): quick launch icon
/SVGEDITOR=(OFF/ON): default SVG editor
/CONTEXTMENUE=(OFF/ON): context menue integration
/PREFERENCES=(OFF/ON): delete users preference files
/ADDFILES=(OFF/ON): additional files
/EXAMPLES=(OFF/ON): examples
/TUTORIALS=(OFF/ON): tutorials
/LANGUAGES=(OFF/ON): translated menues, examples, etc.
/[locale code]=(OFF/ON): e.g am, es, es_MX as in Inkscape supported
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