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RealOne Player

9 bytes removed, 07:00, 8 February 2008
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communs\Real\Update_OB\r1puninst.exe" -all
For create a uninstall silent uninstall, do yo havethe following:
1. # Get Resource Hacker or XN Resource Editor2. # Copy r1puninst.exe somewhere3. # Open the copied version in Resource Hacker4. # Open "Dialog"5. # Open "912"6. # Right click on "1033" (should be the "Uninstallation complete" dialog box)7. # Select Delete Resources [912:1033], delete dialog in XNResource Editor8. # Click Yes9. # Select File, Save
== Question ==
Question: How do you customize the installer by (1) disabling all the desktop icons and (2) disabling non-RealPlayer file assoications associations (3) disable the message center (4) disable the weather center?

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