

959 bytes added, 09:59, 14 April 2008
no edit summary
This is the silent installer for GPL Ghostscript.
<source lang="xmlautoit">
<package id="gplghostscript" name="GPL GhostScript 8.54" revision="1" reboot="false" priority="0">
<check type="logical" condition="and">
The uninstall for GPL ghostscript is not silent. It prompts the user to confirm the uninstall.
== Example Autoit script for "silent" uninstall:==
<source lang="autoit" >
$Program1 = '\\path\to\gs861w32\uninstgs.exe "%ProgramFiles%\gs\gs8.61\uninstal.txt"'
$Program2 = '\\path\to\gs861w32\uninstgs.exe "%ProgramFiles%\gs\fonts\uninstal.txt"'
Run(@ComSpec & " /c " & $Program1, "", @SW_HIDE);
; The window is invisible during boot!
WinWait("GPL Ghostscript 8.61", "", "30")
ControlSend("GPL Ghostscript 8.61", "", "", "u"); We remove the software
WinWait("GPL Ghostscript 8.61", "Uninstall successful", "30")
ControlSend("GPL Ghostscript 8.61", "", "", "{SPACE}"); We remove the software
Run(@ComSpec & " /c " & $Program2, "", @SW_HIDE);
; The window is invisible during boot!
WinWait("GPL Ghostscript Fonts", "", "30")
ControlSend("GPL Ghostscript Fonts", "", "", "u"); We remove the software
WinWait("GPL Ghostscript Fonts", "Uninstall successful", "30")
ControlSend("GPL Ghostscript Fonts", "", "", "{SPACE}"); We remove the software
[[category:Silent Installers|Ghostscript]]