Fix upgrade command. Add 1641 exit code. Tidy up.
This is the silent installer for Office 2007 with a.MSP generated by running:
<code>setup.exe /admin</code>
===Silent Install of Office 2007===
On the Office 2007 distribution point there is a folder called Updates which contains nothing. Each patch you want to apply to office 2007 is supposed to be added inside that folder and it will also recognize the .msp and apply it, so this gives us (provided that you have placed Custom.msp inside the Updates folder)
<source lang="xml">
<package id="office2007" name="Microsoft Office 2007" revision="2007" reboot="false" priority="0">
<check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007" />
<install cmd='"%SOFTWARE%\Office 2007\setup.exe" /adminfile "%SOFTWARE%\Office 2007\Custom.msp"' /> <upgrade cmdexit code='"%SOFTWARE%\Office 2007\setup.exe1641" /adminfile reboot="%SOFTWARE%\Office 2007\Custom.mspdelayed"' /> </install>
<blockquote>"You cannot apply the Setup customization file to existing installations by putting the MSP file in the Updates folder and running Setup again on the user's computer, or by running Setup with the customization file specified in the command line. You must apply the MSP file directly to the user's computer."</blockquote>
So, for an upgrade command we must apply the msp file directly using msiexec:
<source lang="xml">