Silent install for Foxit Reader, is a "free PDF document viewer and printer, with incredible distinguished from Adobe Reader by being small size, breezing-fast launch speed and rich feature set"more secure.
You will need to download The installer here assumes you've downloaded the .msi MSI version of Foxit Reader the installer rather than the regular .exe installer, from [ here] in order for this to work. I would also recommend setting a different user in the permissions.
These installers assume that Windows is localised in English. For Windows localised for other languages you will need to make changes accordingly.
Foxit Reader automatically makes itself the default PDF reader, hence the '-register ' command-line switch used with earlier versions isn't used here.
== Foxit Reader 2.3 ==
== Foxit Reader 2.3 (Over-Complicated Package)==
Note: This package gives full control for Everyone to =Uninstall Strings=* (at least that version installed using the Foxit Reader program directoryMSI): 4FEC0D0D-1279-4C46-B6F8-B73C5247A6A9* 3. This is a massive security risk and should be avoided1.1.0901: A9355F41-AE6C-487C-A6A9-BC348D836F43* 3.1.?: 81EC4B5E-E735-43D2-985A-C675003BFBB6
Note: This package copies the shortcuts installed just for the user who installed Foxit Reader, to where they will be available for all users, which seems pointless as (at least with version 3) this is the default behaviour and can also be achieved using an installer command-line switch.
<source lang="xml">
name="Foxit Reader"
<check type="file" condition="versiongreaterorequal" path="%PROGRAMFILES%\Foxit Software\Foxit Reader\Foxit Reader.exe" value="2.3.2008.2923"/>
<install cmd='msiexec /i %SOFTWARE%\foxit\FoxitReader23.msi /passive /norestart'>
<exit code="0" />
<install cmd='cmd /c mkdir "%AllUsersProfile%\Start Menu\Programs\Foxit Reader"' />
<install cmd='cmd /c copy "%UserProfile%\Start Menu\Programs\Foxit Reader\Foxit Reader.lnk" "%AllUsersProfile%\Start Menu\Programs\Foxit Reader"' />
<install cmd='cmd /c rmdir /q /s "%UserProfile%\Start Menu\Programs\Foxit Reader"' />
<install cmd='cmd /c cacls "%ProgramFiles%\\Foxit Software" /T /E /G "Everyone":F ' />
<exit code="1332" />
<install cmd='cmd /c cacls "%AllUsersProfile%\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Foxit Reader" /T /E /G "Everyone":F ' />
<exit code="1332" />
<remove cmd='msiexec /x {376DA9DC-71B3-4AB7-A80C-8ED02A736172} /passive /norestart' />
<remove cmd='cmd /c rmdir /q /s "%AllUsersProfile%\Start Menu\Programs\Foxit Reader"' />
<upgrade cmd='cmd /c rmdir /q /s "%AllUsersProfile%\Start Menu\Programs\Foxit Reader"' />
<upgrade cmd='msiexec /i %SOFTWARE%\foxit\FoxitReader23.msi /passive /norestart'>
<exit code="0" />
<upgrade cmd='cmd /c mkdir "%AllUsersProfile%\Start Menu\Programs\Foxit Reader"' />
<upgrade cmd='cmd /c copy "%UserProfile%\Start Menu\Programs\Foxit Reader\Foxit Reader.lnk" "%AllUsersProfile%\Start Menu\Programs\Foxit Reader"' />
<upgrade cmd='cmd /c rmdir /q /s "%UserProfile%\Start Menu\Programs\Foxit Reader"' />
<upgrade cmd='cmd /c cacls "%ProgramFiles%\\Foxit Software" /T /E /G "Everyone":F ' />
<exit code="1332" />
<upgrade cmd='cmd /c cacls "%AllUsersProfile%\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Foxit Reader" /T /E /G "Everyone":F ' />
<exit code="1332" />
==Turn Off Automatic Updates==
=Uninstall Strings=* 4FEC0D0D-1279-4C46-B6F8-B73C5247A6A9* =Foxit Reader A9355F41-AE6C-487C-A6A9-BC348D836F43* 3.1.?: 81EC4B5E-E735-43D2-985A-C675003BFBB6===
System-wide configuration: IsAutoUpdate=0 in %PROGRAMFILES%\Foxit Software\Foxit Reader\FoxitReader_Preferences.ini. I don't know the purpose of this file in version 3.1 as each user has their own configuration setting.
Per-user configuration: HKCU\Software\Foxit Software\Foxit Reader\AutoUpdate Info\IsAutoUpdate = 0
GUI: Help → Check for updates now → Preferences → Updater → Automatically check for Foxit updates []
===Foxit Reader 3.0===
System-wide configuration: IsAutoUpdate=0 in %PROGRAMFILES%\Foxit Software\Foxit Reader\FoxitReader_Preferences.ini. This setting isn't present unless the menu option has been run to turn it off. If you add an additional 'IsAutoUpdate' line to this file then only the first instance of it is adhered to. GUI: Help → Check for updates now → Preferences → Updater → Automatically check for Foxit updates [] =Configuration scriptsScripts=
== Foxit Reader 3.1 ==
Post-Install scripts:
reg add "%1\Software\Foxit Software\Foxit Reader\MainFrame" /v DisplayInBrowser /t REG_DWORD /d 00000000 /f >> NUL:
==Turn Off Automatic Updates==
===Foxit Reader 3.1===
System-wide configuration: IsAutoUpdate=0 in %PROGRAMFILES%\Foxit Software\Foxit Reader\FoxitReader_Preferences.ini. I don't know the purpose of this file in version 3.1 as each user has their own configuration setting.
Per-user configuration: HKCU\Software\Foxit Software\Foxit Reader\AutoUpdate Info\IsAutoUpdate = 0
GUI: Help → Check for updates now → Preferences → Updater → Automatically check for Foxit updates []
===Foxit Reader 3.0===
System-wide configuration: IsAutoUpdate=0 in %PROGRAMFILES%\Foxit Software\Foxit Reader\FoxitReader_Preferences.ini. This setting isn't present unless the menu option has been run to turn it off. If you add an additional 'IsAutoUpdate' line to this file then only the first instance of it is adhered to.
GUI: Help → Check for updates now → Preferences → Updater → Automatically check for Foxit updates []
[[Category:Silent Installers]]