

818 bytes added, 23:16, 27 July 2010
Package version confusion and other nonsense
:::::: OK. The only thing I have left that I'd like to say in disagreement is that if people who're new to WPKG see the example WPKG package revisions identical to the binary version then they may be led into believing that they _have_ to be identical; and this is made more-so by the use of a %PKG_VERSION% variable. At least this very typical of something that confuses me when I am learning something new. [[User:Pete|Pete Boyd]] 22:46, 27 July 2010 (CEST)
::::::: I've done a little more digging and it seems that it is entirely intentional that the revision attribute is meant to match the software version number. You can see the discussion in the bug report here: Since it was added by the main developer I doubt it will be removed. Personally, I don't understand why it needs to be anything other than an integer to indicate that a package definition has changed. The versionCompare function is fairly elaborate, adding about 200 lines of code to wpkg.js, which is almost 3% of the total code. I think the lack of good documentation with examples of best practices contributes to the confusion of new users, for example: [[User:JohnD|JohnD]] 01:16, 28 July 2010 (CEST)