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WPKG Client

1,420 bytes added, 15:01, 9 June 2011
Installing via Group Policy: another install method (GP & WPKG mashup)
In some cases, you may have to reboot the workstation up to three times before the WPKG service is actually running. The first reboot loads the new Group Policy (you can instead do this from the command line with the command "gpupdate /force /boot" ). The second reboot will actually install the WPKG MSI. The third reboot will start the service.
=== Group Policy WPKG mix ===
One other possibility is to use Group Policy to kick off [[wpkg.js]] so it can install WPKG-Client for you.
using this method also allows you to upgrade and change WPKG Client parameters in the future using WPKG itself.
First create a WPKG-Client package like this:
<source lang="xml">
name="WPKG Client 1.3.9"
<!-- because the client hasn't been installed yet we cannot use the SOFTWARE parameter for paths -->
<variable name="PKG_PATH" value="\\myserver\myshare\software\Components\gpl.wpkg.client.1.3.9" />
<check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="WPKG" />
<check type="file" condition="versionequalto" path="%PROGRAMFILES%\wpkg\wpkginst.exe" value="" />
<install cmd='msiexec /i "%PKG_PATH%\WPKG Client 1.3.9-x32.msi" /qn SETTINGSFILE="%PKG_PATH%\settings.xml"' />
<upgrade cmd='msiexec /i "%PKG_PATH%\WPKG Client 1.3.9-x32.msi" /qn SETTINGSFILE="%PKG_PATH%\settings.xml"' />
<remove cmd='MsiExec /x{08DF8731-5B69-4709-979A-CC08E49D7686} /qn' />
Then in Active Directory, create a new Group Policy object with the following setting:
* Computer Configuration → Windows Settings → Scripts(startup/shutdown) → Startup
** Script: \\myserver\myshare\wpkg.js
** Parameters: /install:gplwpkgclient /quiet
Job done!
= Advanced installation =

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