,→Picasa 3
For Limited user accounts, this setting causes it to prompt the user, asking if they want to update.
The automatic update feature can be turned off using Tools → Options → General → Automatic Updates → Don't check for updatesor you can add the following lines after the setup-tag:<source lang="xml"> <install cmd='cmd /c %windir%\regedit.exe /s %YourPicasaPath%\PicasaAutoUpdateOff.reg'/> <upgrade cmd='cmd /c %windir%\regedit.exe /s %YourPicasaPath%\PicasaAutoUpdateOff.reg'/></source>
Because its stored in HKCU you may need to do this for every user.
:# Changing the Startup Mode of "Google Updater Service"
:#:sc config gusvc start= disabled
:# Uninstall "Google Updater Service" view details here: []
:#:pushd "%ProgramFiles%\Google\Common\Google Updater" & GoogleUpdaterService /UnregServer & popd
== Picasa 2 ==