Updated definitions to be more clear; updated formatting, capitalization to be consistent across all sections
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| <code>[[config.xml]] </code> || where various Configuration settings for runtime behavior of <code>wpkg.js settings can be configured</code>
| <code>[[hosts.xml]] </code> (and all files in the <code>\hosts </code> folder || defines the hosts Mappings between machine names and associated profilesprofile names
| <code>[[packages.xml]] </code> (and all files in the <code>\packages </code> folder ) || defines how Defines software packages (commands for WPKG to install and /uninstall software packagesprograms, etc.)
| <code>[[profiles.xml]] </code> (and all files in the <code>\profiles </code> folder ) || defines the software packages or scripts, Specifies which packages will be installed/executed on hosts.for each WPKG profile
| <code>[[settings.xml]] </code> || settings Settings file used by the WPKG Client.
| <code>[[wpkg.xml]] </code> || the local list List of installed packages - it is and commands (stored locally on a each workstation locally)
For more information about config files, please see: [[:Category: Config_Files | Config files]]
== Server-side files ==
== Client-side files ==
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| <code>machines.txt </code> || This contains the list of machines configured on the '''Tools''' tab of wpkginst.exe
| <code>wpkginst.exe </code> || GUI configuration tool
| <code>wpkglogon.dll </code> || helper Helper library for Logon
| <code>WPKGMessage.exe </code> || displays Displays the 'Please wait..'-style message to the user while WPKG runs
| <code>WPKGSrv.exe </code> || the The Windows Service file that will trigger the actual script to run
[[Category: Documentation]]