Tweak UI Powertoy

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This is a silent installer and uninstaller for Tweak UI Powertoy.

Note: Works with this:

<package id="tweakui" name="Tweak UI powertoy" revision="1" priority="0" reboot="false">
 <check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="Tweakui Powertoy for Windows XP" />
 <install cmd='%SOFTWARE%\powertoys\tweakuipowertoysetup.exe /S /v/qn' />
 <remove cmd="msiexec /qb /l* c:\netinst\logs\powertoy.log x{C7793EE8-F666-4E6B-9827-76468679480E}" />

For the new version don't work the silent install, you can do the next: -Extract the file "TweakUI.exe" of the installer TweakUiPowertoySetup.exe with WinRar -Put this on %SOFTWARE%\powertoys -Download tool nircmdc.exe for create the shortcuts

Note: I use the variable MENUADMIN for the star menu of the user run the wpkg.

And you can use this for install:

        name="Tweak UI"
        <check type="file" condition="exists" path="%WINDIR%\system32\TweakUI.exe" />
        <install cmd='cmd /c xcopy /v /s /i /e /h /c /y /q "%SOFTWARE%\powertoys\TweakUI.exe" "%WINDIR%\system32\"' />
        <install cmd='"%SOFTWARE%\tools\nircmdc.exe" shortcut "~$sys.windir$\system32\TweakUI.exe" "~$folder.programs$\Herramientas" "Tweak UI"'>
            <exit code="4205226" />
        <upgrade cmd='cmd /c xcopy /v /s /i /e /h /c /y /q "%SOFTWARE%\powertoys\TweakUI.exe" "%WINDIR%\system32\"' />
        <upgrade cmd='"%SOFTWARE%\tools\nircmdc.exe" shortcut "~$sys.windir$\system32\TweakUI.exe" "~$folder.programs$\Herramientas" "Tweak UI"'>
            <exit code="4205226" />
        <remove cmd='cmd /c if exist "%WINDIR%\system32\TweakUI.exe" del "%WINDIR%\system32\TweakUI.exe"' >
	        <exit code="1" />
	        <exit code="0" />
        <remove cmd='cmd /c if exist "%USERPROFILE%\%MENUADMIN%\Herramientas\Tweak UI.lnk" del "%USERPROFILE%\%MENUADMIN%\Herramientas\Tweak UI.lnk"' >
	        <exit code="1" />
	        <exit code="0" />