User talk:R.barnoco
Is it possible to delete a file, and copy a file using WPKG via Command line
I have a package under Program Files and what I want to do is delete the existing .exe and just replace it with the file coming from a shared folder in a network
I tried to use this code but it was not working
<remove cmd='del "C:\Program Files\package\package.exe" /S' <install cmd='XCOPY "\\IP Address\shared\WPKG\installer\package.exe" "C:\Program Files\package" /S'
package and ip address are just a sample, means any ip and program I would like to use
I also tried to test using batch file but it also does not work
<remove cmd='\\IP Address\shared\program-delete.bat /S' <install cmd='\\IP Address\shared\program-update.bat /S'
program-delete.bat code del "C:\Program Files\package\package.exe"
program-update.bat code XCOPY "\\ip address\shared\WPKG\installer\package.exe" "C:\Program Files\package"