

1,145 bytes added, 21:00, 9 May 2012
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=Installing with wpkg v2=
I have another way to work this, because i install with wpkg but without WPKG Client, may be is helps someone.
This package definition works with the latest wpkg.js (1.3 as of this writting) running on the server, it install the version acording it's architecture:
<source lang="xml">
<package id="wpkg-gp" name="Wpkg-GP" revision="%version%">
<variable name="version" value="0.15" />
<variable name="EXE" value="%SOFTWARE%\wpkg\Wpkg-GP-0.15_x86.exe" architecture="x86" />
<variable name="EXE" value="%SOFTWARE%\wpkg\Wpkg-GP-0.15_x64.exe" architecture="x64" />
<check type="uninstall" condition="versiongreaterorequal" path="Wpkg-GP %version% .*" value="%version%"/>
<install cmd="%EXE% /S /INI %SOFTWARE%\wpkg\Wpkg-GP.ini">
<exit code="3010" reboot="delayed" />
<upgrade cmd="%EXE% /S /INI %SOFTWARE%\wpkg\Wpkg-GP.ini">
<exit code="3010" reboot="delayed" />
for installing WPKG-GP for the first time, i just run
<code>cscript \\server\path\to\wpkg.js /synchronize</code>
on the 'Run' dialog box of the Windows Client.