

1,367 bytes added, 09:48, 6 March 2014
Added separate deployment of WPKG-GP Configuration File and other improvements
=Installing Deploy WPKG-GP with WPKG=
This example installs version 0.16, with a configuration defined through a [ wpkg-GP.ini file]. Unless you already have WPKG Client installed, you will have to initially deploy WPKG-GP somehow, such as manually.
<source lang="xml">
<upgrade cmdinclude="%SOFTWARE%\wpkg-gp\Wpkg-GP-%VERSION%_%ARCHITECTURE%.exe /S /INI %SOFTWARE%\wpkg-gp\Wpkg-GP.ini"> <exit code="3010" reboot="delayedinstall" /> </upgrade>
===Replace WPKG Client with WPKG-GP===
If you already have [[WPKG Client]] installed, you can add the following, to the package above, to replace WPKG Client with WPKG-GP:
<!-- Uninstall WPKG Client -->
<install cmd='msiexec /x "%SOFTWARE%\wpkg\WPKG Client 1.3.14-%ARCHITECTURE%.msi" /qn /norestart' />
=WPKG-GP Configuration File=
WPKG-GP's configuration is saved in %PROGRAMFILES%\WPKG-GP\Wpkg-gp.ini. WPKG-GP configuration can be updated by copying a new version of this file to that location, enabling its configuration to be updated without reinstalling he program. wpkg-gp.ini contains the location of wpkg.js, the username/password to connect, and the %SOFTWARE% and %WPKGROOT% environment variables.
==WPKG Package For WPKG-GP Configuration File==
This checks to see if the configuration file in %SOFTWARE%\wpkg-gp\ differs to that currently deployed in the Program Files directory.
<source lang="xml">
name="WPKG-GP Configuration"
<-- WPKG-GP can be either 32-bit or 64-bit -->
<variable architecture="x86" name="PROGFILES" value="%PROGRAMFILES%" />
<variable architecture="x64" name="PROGFILES" value="%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%" />
<install cmd='%COMSPEC% /c copy /Y "%SOFTWARE%\wpkg-gp\Wpkg-gp.ini" "%PROGFILES%\WPKG-GP\Wpkg-gp.ini" '/>
<upgrade include="install" />
<!-- Should there be a remove line? If we leave it without a config file then it won't function, if we do nothing then it will never be removed as the config file check remains positive. -->
<remove />