
MS Office 2007

85 bytes removed, 21:29, 6 December 2009
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<code>setup.exe /admin</code>
===Silent Install of Office 2007===
On the Office 2007 distribution point there is a folder called Updates which contains nothing. Each patch you want to apply to office 2007 is supposed to be added inside that folder and it will also recognize the .msp and apply it, so this gives us (provided that you have placed Custom.msp inside the Updates folder)
===Silent Upgrade of Office 2007=== .
===Silent Un-installation of Microsoft Office 2007Remove===
Before a <remove /> option can be applied, a silent uninstallation file must be created on the share where the installation files exist. Navigate to the Version.WW folder (Enterprise.WW or ProPlus.WW for example). Copy the config.xml and name it silentuninstall.xml. Edit the silentuninstall.xml file to resemble the following code: