News 2006
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There is a nice web interface for WPKG - check it on
WPKG installer 0.80 released.
- upgrading options now works
To change options in a scripted/CLI mode, use:
"%PROGRAMFILES%\WPKG\wpkginst.exe" --SETTINGSFILE=%WPKGROOT%\settings.xml
- generated XML setting file has now <silent>yes</silent> by default
- service description was added
WPKG installer 0.70 released.
- it's now possible to export all settings to a XML file (for scripted installations)
- it's now possible to run all the installers either in background (recommended), or in the foreground (not recommended, as users can interact with the installers; but recommended for debugging)
WPKG installer 0.50 released.
- for scripted installations, configuration is now kept in XML file
- fixed problem with broken graphics displayed when service started by an user other than SYSTEM
- it's possible to execute programs before and after executing WPKG
- ability to set an arbitryry number of variables
WPKG installer 0.20 released.
- upgrading the values from the command line works now.
WPKG 0.9.10 has been released.
- fixed bug 8
- fixed bug 28
- fixed bug 29
- fixed bug 31
- fixed 'reboot="true" doesn't work for upgrade and remove cmd'
- lots of code cleanup
Thanks to Falko Trojahn and Gordon Klimm for patches.
WPKG 0.9.10-test3 has been released.
- lots of code cleanup
Thanks to Falko Trojahn and Gordon Klimm for patches.
WPKG 0.9.10-test2 has been released.
- fixed bug 28 (Accidentally removing installed packages)
- fixed bug 29 (Syntax error in xml file in subdir stops wpkg)
- fixed 'reboot="true" doesn't work for upgrade and remove cmd'
- some code cleanup
Thanks to Falko Trojahn and Gordon Klimm for patches.
WPKG 0.9.10-test1 has been released.
- fixed bug 8 (WPKG shouldn't interrupt the installation if installation of one package failed)
- code cleanup
WPKG 0.9.9 has been released.
WPKG-0.9.9-test3 released as 0.9.9 (stable) - no changes.
Packages, profiles and hosts can be defined in separate files.
Previously wpkg.js was looking for three files: packages.xml, profiles.xml and hosts.xml, in the same directory where wpkg.js was itself.
Now, additionally, it looks into three folders (if they exist): packages, profiles, hosts.
In each of these folders you can specify packages, profiles and hosts definitions, in separate files.
For example, you can place several config files into "hosts" directory:
room1.xml, room2.xml
in each of them you would define hosts that you have in each room.
Similarly, you can do for profiles, in "profiles" directory.
For packages, you can define them in separate file in "packages" directory:
firefox.xml, thunderbird.xml
This way we achieve:
1) easier administration, especially if you have more packages
2) you can move package definitions from one server to another - just
copy the xml file for a given package (i.e. firefox.xml) to another
server - provided you use variables, and start WPKG similar to the way
set WPKGROOT=\\server\wpkg set SOFTWARE=%WPKGROOT%\software %WPKGROOT%\wpkg.js /synchronize /quiet /nonotify
You will find some examples in the download package.
WPKG 0.9.9-test3 has been released.
- fixed bug 26 (XML error reporting is less detailed than in 0.9.8)
WPKG 0.9.9-test2 has been released.
- read only XML files
Previously WPKG would try to parse all files in hosts/packages/profiles folder - for example, README etc., where it should only attempt to read XML files.
Thanks to Chris Freeze for the patch.
WPKG 0.9.9-test1 has been released.
- packages, profiles and hosts can be defined in separate files.
Big thanks to Knud Ahrnell Albrechtsen for the patch.
WPKG 0.9.8 has been released.
WPKG-0.9.8-test3 released as 0.9.8 (stable) - no changes.
WPKG 0.9.8-test3 has been released.
- fix for "checkval error" when using the 'versiongreaterorequal' check
Thanks to Paul Griffith for the fix.
WPKG 0.9.8-test2 has been released.
- more debugging info (when /debug is used)
- "logical tests" fixes
Thanks to Frank Lee for patches.
WPKG 0.9.8-test1 has been released.
- changed "package dependencies" - now they are defined like profile dependencies - see package dependencies
- registry running state - see registry running state
Thanks to Andre Ilie for patches.
WPKG 0.9.7 has been released.
WPKG-0.9.7-test2 released as 0.9.7 (stable) - no changes.
WPKG 0.9.7-test2 has been released.
Reboot behaviour more customizable (see rebootpatch.diff patch):
- without option /rebootcmd -> normal behaviour
- with option /rebootcmd:special -> looks if it can find tools\psshutdown.exe (from Sysinternals) and uses the loop from Frank Lee (introduced in 0.9.6)
- with option /rebootcmd:wpkg\myshutdown.bat _or_ option /rebootcmd:\\server\share\myshutdown.bat -> it uses this for reboot
Thanks to Falko Trojahn for the patch.
WPKG 0.9.7-test1 has been released.
- fixed bug 19 (multiple calls to wpkg.js /install:package add more entries to wpkg.xml)
Thanks to Stian Husemoen for the patch.
- fixed bug 1 (regular expressions are broken)
See Regular_expression_support for more info on using regular expressions.
WPKG 0.9.6 has been released.
WPKG-0.9.6-test2 released as 0.9.6 (stable) - no changes.
WPKG 0.9.6-test1 has been released.
This is a testing release.
- three patches, which implement:
Thanks to Frank Lee for all new features!
WPKG 0.9.5 has been released.
This is a stable release.
WPKG-0.9.5-test1 released as 0.9.5 (stable) - no changes.
WPKG 0.9.5-test1 has been released.
This is a testing release.
- fixed bug 17 (check path expansion)
It's now possible to use variables like %PROGRAMFILES% in check type="file".
Thanks to Frank Lee for the patch.
WPKG 0.9.4 has been released.
This is a stable release.
WPKG-0.9.4-test1 released as 0.9.4 (stable) - no changes in wpkg.js.
- added regular expression examples in hosts.xml
WPKG 0.9.4-test1 has been released.
This is a testing release.
Changes after 0.9.3:
- fixed bug 14 (Execute=once packages are not controlled by revision tag)
Thanks to Andre Fantomass for the fix!
WPKG 0.9.3 has been released.
This is a stable release.
WPKG-0.9.3-test1 released as 0.9.3 (stable) - no changes.
WPKG 0.9.3-test1 has been released.
This is a testing release.
Changes after 0.9.2:
- fixed bug 13 (execute=always packages get added to the wpkg.xml file on every run)
Thanks to Andre Fantomass for the fix!