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Add user to workstation group

954 bytes added, 12:58, 21 February 2012
Add user to workstation group
Here is how to add a local or domain user to a local workstation group such as "Remote Desktop Users"

My example package is for adding an active directory or domain user but you can add a local workstation user by not prefixing the "domain\". However, in order to add a domain user the system must be attached to the network at the time of WPKG running otherwise you will get the following error:
'''''System error 1789 has occurred. The trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain failed.'''''

<package id="RDP-JoePublic"
name="Add Joe Public to local machine for RDP"
<variable name="version" value="1"/>
<install cmd='%comspec% /c net localgroup "Remote Desktop Users" domain\userjp /add'/>
<remove cmd='%comspec% /c net localgroup "Remote Desktop Users" domain\userjp /delete'> <exit code='2'/></remove>

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