
Add user to workstation group

3,102 bytes added, 19:45, 4 August 2012
minor updates
<remove cmd='%comspec% /c net localgroup "Remote Desktop Users" domain\userjp /delete'> <exit code='2'/></remove>
== Not a Fairytale: Americas First Public Food Forest ==
Hungry? Just head over to the park. Seattles new food forest aims to be an edible wilderness. Seattles vision of an urban food oasis is going forward. A seven-acre plot of land in the citys Beacon Hill neighborhood will be planted with hundreds of different kinds of edibles
[[ Not a Fairytale: Americas First Public Food Forest]]
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== 11 Things You Should Start Doing for Yourself Today ==
Enjoy everything that happens in your life, but never make your happiness or success dependent on an attachment to any person, place or thing. Wayne DyerYou deserve to live a more balanced, harmonious and happier life, starting today and starting now. Today, not tomorrow, nor the day after tomorrow is where your life is, where your life starts.
[[ 11 Things You Should Start Doing for Yourself Today]]
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== What Ive Learned About Learning ==
We learn more by looking for the answer to a question and not finding it than we do from learning the answer itself. ~Lloyd AlexanderI am a teacher and an avid learner, and Im passionate about both.Im a teacher because I help Eva homeschool our kids OK, she does most of the work, but I do help, mostly with math but with everything else too.
[[ What Ive Learned About Learning]]
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== Food People Power ==
For many years, people living in West Oakland had accepted eating unhealthy food as a way of life. That is, until a small group of people decided to change their community through Mandela MarketPlace, a non-profit that partners with local residents and rural, minority farmers to bring fresh agricultural produce to their local corner stores. Mandela MarketPlace now represents the difference that youth can make by challenging prevailing paradigms - you CAN select what you put in your body.
[[ Food People Power]]
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== 9 Steps to Achieving Flow (and Happiness) at Work ==
[Flow means] being completely involved in an activity for its own sake. The ego falls away. Time flies. Every action, movement, and thought follows inevitably from the previous one, like playing jazz. --Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
[[ 9 Steps to Achieving Flow (and Happiness) at Work]]
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