

No change in size, 17:58, 4 March 2014
Update 0.15 to 0.16
If you have already installed the standard [[WPKG Client]], you can use a package to replace it with WPKG-GP.
This example installs version 0.1516, with a configuration defined through a [ wpkg-GP.ini file]. Then it uninstalls the standard Wpkg Client.
<source lang="xml">
<package id="wpkg-gp" name="Wpkg-GP" revision="%version%">
<variable name="version" value="0.1516" />
<check type="uninstall" condition="versiongreaterorequal" path="Wpkg-GP %version% .*" value="%version%"/>
<install cmd="%SOFTWARE%\wpkg-gp\Wpkg-GP-0.15_x6416_x64.exe /S /INI %SOFTWARE%\wpkg-gp\Wpkg-GP.ini">
<exit code="3010" reboot="delayed" />
<install cmd='msiexec /x "%SOFTWARE%\wpkg\WPKG Client 1.3.14-x64.msi" /qn /norestart' />
<upgrade cmd="%SOFTWARE%\wpkg-gp\Wpkg-GP-0.15_x6416_x64.exe /S /INI %SOFTWARE%\wpkg-gp\Wpkg-GP.ini">
<exit code="3010" reboot="delayed" />
<package id="wpkg-gp" name="Wpkg-GP" revision="%version%">
<variable name="version" value="0.1516" /> <variable name="EXE" value="%SOFTWARE%\wpkg\Wpkg-GP-0.15_x8616_x86.exe" architecture="x86" /> <variable name="EXE" value="%SOFTWARE%\wpkg\Wpkg-GP-0.15_x6416_x64.exe" architecture="x64" />
<check type="uninstall" condition="versiongreaterorequal" path="Wpkg-GP %version% .*" value="%version%"/>