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18 bytes added, 14:11, 6 March 2014
WPKG Package For WPKG-GP Configuration File: A note and fix for 32-bit / 64-bit
==WPKG Package For WPKG-GP Configuration File==
This checks to see if the configuration file in %SOFTWARE%\wpkg-gp\ differs to that currently deployed in the Program Files directory.
This assumes you're using either the 64-bit version of WPKG-GP on a 64-bit Windows, or the 32-bit version of WPKG-GP on a 32-bit version of Windows, and not a 32-bit version of WPKG-GP on a 64-bit version of Windows.
<source lang="xml">
name="WPKG-GP Configuration"
<-- WPKG-GP can be either 32-bit or 64-bit -->
<variable architecture="x86" name="PROGFILES" value="%PROGRAMFILES%" />
<variable architecture="x64" name="PROGFILES" value="%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%" />

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