User contributed software
[hide]- 1 wpkg-tools
- 2 InfoMessage
- 3 wpkgMessage
- 4 wpkgPackageStates
- 5 wpkgPackageList
- 6 "Ugly perl script to check if packages are installed on a set of workstations"
- 7 Scripts for generating hosts.xml from Active Directory
- 8 Script for checking if a process is already running
- 9 Generic Library for scripted checks
- 10 PC inventory and reporting script
Info: CLI to interact with wpkg clients in debian (written in Perl).
Author: Andrew Bone
URL: wpkg-tools,
Screenshots: ,
Info: Displays a simple, configurable, centered message box on the screen using HTML (IE5-IE7). See .js source header for more information.
Author: Brian White
Screenshots: Screenshot #1 | Screenshot #2
Mailing list discussion:
Info: Shows little window which can be used to tell the user what WPKG does at the moment.
Author: grubi
Info URL:
Download URL:
Mailing list discussion:
- ("wpkg via Group Policies" thread)
Info: Generates an Excel or HTML report out of the computer's wpkg.xml files showing which packages are installed on which computers. It can also check for compliance against the wpkg package database and post the result in an additional state column. There it is shown if a package needs to be installed, removed, downgraded or upgraded to meet the requirements.
Author: grubi
Info URL:
Download URL:
Info: Command line script creating a list of all packages which are part of a wpkg installation in HTML or Excel format. The HTML list is a dynamic report which can be sorted by clicking on the column header.
Author: grubi
Info URL:
Download URL:
"Ugly perl script to check if packages are installed on a set of workstations"
Info: When you run the script, it will evaluate the list of packages that should be installed with the packages that are installed on each computer in the status directory. It then prints the differences. If the program gives no output, then everything is up to date. I use this program to send a list to our desktop techs about which computer are out of compliance.
Author: Chris Crow
Script source:
Mailing list discussion:
- ("Ugly perl script to check if packages are installed on a set of workstations." thread)
Scripts for generating hosts.xml from Active Directory
Info: Scripts written in different languages (Perl, bash, vbScript) which pull hosts.xml from Active Directory OUs automatically
Script for checking if a process is already running
Info: Sometimes, you don't want to make an upgrade or installation if a user has already started a given process, because:
- upgrade could fail, as the files are in use,
- if the installer is "smart", it could kill the running process, without asking the user to save (precious) work,
- some software (like certain browser plugins) won't install if some other software is running (i.e., a browser).
Generic Library for scripted checks
Author: Keith Jones
Mailing list discussion:
Info: WPKG.Utility, a COM-based utility library to support scripted 'Execute' checks.
Tired of writing scripts to support custom 'checks' in WPKG ?
Tired of writing parameter parsers for each and every one of them?
This is a prototype script library based in a .wsc (Windows Scripting Component) file that aims to reduce your typing to the minimum.
It provides 2 resources;
- A way to consolidate and collect useful functions for administrators.
- A simple parser framework to develop reusable 'scriptlets'.
...and only takes one line in your scripts to implement!
Features include;
- Simple parsing of command-lines to validate custom parameters.
- A growing collection of built-in helper routines.
- A simplified approach for less experienced admins.
- All code is written in JScript to maintain compatibility with WPKG.js.
- Illustrations of 'less used' techniques.
gettingstarted.txt - A quick guide to using WPKG.Utility.
integrating.txt - A guide to using scriptlets with WPKG.
parser.txt - A rough guide to using the parser to make scriptlets.
advanced.txt - A guide to more advanced techniques.
history.txt - About the origins of WPKG.Utility.
changes.txt - The changelog for WPKG.Utility.
aboutWSC.txt - A rough guide to Windows Scripting Components.
thoughts.txt - General thoughts.
comingsoon.txt - A rough guide to things that I'm thinking about.
DiskSpace.js - A documented version of the DiskTotal.js script
WPKG.Utility - The WPKG.Utility component library.
Versions : V110,V110-01
Scriptlet Library:
Please note: These scripts need amendments made to them to locate the WPKG.Utility .wsc file.
The WPKG.Utility component can be detected, if you place it into the same folder as the scripts.
You will have to replace the two lines setting utilityPath and utility at the top of the scripts with the following.
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var path = WScript.ScriptFullName;
var base = fso.GetParentFolderName(path);
var utilityPath = fso.BuildPath(base, "Utility-V110-01.wsc");
var utility = GetObject("script:" + utilityPath);
DiskTotal.js - Checks a drive for a given total space.
Versions : V101
Usage: [cscript.exe] DiskTotalVxxx.js <Drive|Path> <lessthan|lessthanorequalto|etc> <Megabytes>
Returns: 0, if the test succeeded, 1 if the test failed.
DiskFree.js - Checks a drive for a given free space.
Versions : V101
Usage: [cscript.exe]DiskFreeVxxx.js <Drive|Path> <lessthan|lessthanorequalto|etc> <Megabytes>
Returns: 0, if the test succeeded, 1 if the test failed.
DiskExists - Checks to see if a drive physically exists.
Versions : V101
Usage: [cscript.exe]DiskExistsV101.js <Drive|Path>
Returns: 0, if the test succeeded, 1 if the test failed.
PC inventory and reporting script
Info: Command line script made with Autoit producing a per client pc csv file of installed WPKG programs with the option to email someone a list of machines whose installed packages are out of sync with the 'master' xml config files. Example of output csv =
PC NAME,DATE OF XML FILE,DESCRIPTION,PACKAGE ID NAME,PRIORITY,INSTALLED REVISION,MASTER XML REVISION,UPGRADE/DOWNGRADE/BLANK=NOTHING REQUIRED RECOVERY,09/05/2011_15:37,7-Zip,7zip,10,920,920, RECOVERY,09/05/2011_15:37,Activation MS Office 2010,msoffice2010-activation,71,1,1, RECOVERY,09/05/2011_15:37,Adobe Acrobat 9,acrobat9,17,944,944, RECOVERY,09/05/2011_15:37,Adobe Shockwave Player 11,shockwave,50,,,Upgrade required
This script can be scheduled to run and report back any possible issues before the user realises.
priority setting.
Author: cbm214
Info URL: